Cord blood contains almost 10 times as many blood-producing cells so less is needed for a successful transplant. Transplant recipients are less likely to reject a cord blood stem cell transplant than a bone marrow transplant. Cord blood may eventually be used to treat a wider variety of auto-immune and degenerative diseases than is currently being done. Cord blood is donated in advance for anyone who might need it in the future. All routine testing is completed and the unit is stored frozen , ready to use. Confirmatory HLA typing and any special testing required is usually completed within 5 days. There is no need to take time to locate a possible volunteer and then determine whether he or she is still willing and able to donate. Cord blood is also less likely to transmit certain common viruses like Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus, potentially lethal infections for transplant recipients. Cord blood transplantation exposes the patient to one of the rare genetic disorders of the immune system or blood. The quantity of stem cells for transplantation is less than that in peripheral blood or bone marrow. This problem is greater for adults and adolescents as they need comparatively more quantity of stem cells for transplant. The stem cells found in umbilical-cord blood have the ability to turn into red or white blood cells or blood-clotting cells. Stem cells have been shown to grow new blood vessels around narrowed or damaged arteries in the limbs and restore impaired blood flow. Cord blood is also less likely to transmit certain common viruses, like Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus, potentially lethal infections for transplant recipients. Cord blood stem cells have a lower risk of graft versus host disease when compared to bone marrow transplants therefore allowing for a greater range of finding a donorrecipient. Umbilical cord blood stem cells can be used in transplants to treat a variety of pediatric disorders including leukemia, sickle cell disease , and metabolic disorders. Cord blood has been used in the treatment of more than 80 different diseases so far. The most common disease category has been leukemia. Cord blood stem cells are younger, they have better proliferative properties - they are able to regenerate more and faster than bone marrow stem cells. The use of umbilical cord blood stem cells to treat previously identified familial illness in a first degree relative provides a primary indication for collection and banking, the procedure and storage is costly. Cord blood is extracted from the umbilical cord and shipped to the private bank where it is processed to separate the stem cells which are then deep frozen, typically in liquid nitrogen. Cord blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells which offer two important features: they can renew themselves and they can create different types of specialized blood cells.
Blood is collected anonymously marked and sent to a public bank to potentially save the life of another child one day. It is blood that is usually discarded. Cord blood banking utilizes external facilities as a place to store and preserve a baby’s cord blood. Cord blood is retrieved from the umbilical cord after it has been cut thus preventing any pain, discomfort or harm. Cord blood collection is totally safe. Cord blood banking does not provide enough stem cells to complete an adult's transplant needs. The stored stem cells are only helpful in the event that a child in the family becomes ill. Cord blood can be transplanted even if there is only a partial match between donor and recipient. Cord Blood Banking provides an insight about what experts have to say about cord blood storage. Cord blood stem cells are currently used in the treatment of several life-threatening diseases and play an important role in the treatment of blood and immune system related genetic diseases , cancers and blood disorders. Cord blood can theoretically be frozen indefinitely cord blood that is banked may be useful for such treatments in the future. Cord blood stem cells are biologically younger and are more flexible compared to adult stem cells from other sources like bone marrow.
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