Academic writing needs to be linear i.e. it must focus on one central point and thereby move in one direction contributing to the arguments for and against the central topic. It cannot go astray and bring in some other topic. It is less of a creative writing and more of an informative work. The subject of the writing needs to be followed all through and going astray from the main topic is not allowed in academic writing. Repetitions or digressions are not acceptable in academic writing. It needs to be informative in nature and help the reader understand the topic that is under consideration. Precision and accuracy of language is a main requirement for academic writings. The style of writing academic works needs to be formal in nature which should be both elaborate and objective. Generally Mychal Rivera Jersey , academic pieces of writing are complex and hedged.
Language of writing is generally more complex compared to language in the spoken form. Longer words are used in the written form. Academic writings are lexically denser and have wide usage of vocabulary. Noun-based phrases are more compared to verb-based phrases in academic writing. Texts for academic writings are shorter in length but have higher complexity of grammar with more usage of passive voice statements and subordinate clauses.
Formality and precision
Another feature of academic writing is that it is more formal than other forms of writing. Use of colloquial or commonly used terms and expressions are less in academic works and this makes academic writing less entertaining. There is need to provide lots of figures and facts in academic writings. Therefore, such information should be provided in a precise manner.
The written language for academic purposes is more of objective type than personal. Thus, words referring to the writer or readers such as “I”, “we”, “you”, etc are used less. The usage of such personal terms means that more stress is laid on the main topic of the writing and arguments for or against them and less on the reader and the writer. It is for this reason that you would find more usage of noun or adjectives in an academic writing than verbs or adverbs.
Explicitness is another feature of academic writing. The writer must be competent at clearing all sorts of doubts in the minds of the reader. The writer for academic pieces must be able to connect all portions of the text so that the readers may easily understand what the writer is willing to convey through his writing. Therefore Audie Cole Jersey , being able to use signalling words to indicate connections with various parts of the text is a unique skill that academic writers require.
There is a need for using vocabulary more accurately in academic works. There are specific words with narrower meaning in all subjects that accurately points out certain facts, phenomena, etc.
A common technique used in certain types of academic works is called ‘hedge’ by linguists. It is important to make decisions for your stand on a specific subject through strong arguments for your claims.
You need to be responsible for the claims you make or stands you take through your academic writing. You must provide adequate justification and evidence for what you say. A lighted stepping stone can add the necessary light needed to illuminate walkways around any home. They are inexpensive to install and use the sunlight as an energy source. They are a great way to conserve energy while allowing people to see where they are going. A lighted solar stepping stone can be made to look attractive. They can still be painted to match any outside décor. The stones are usually made of a hard plastic and have light bulbs inside. These stepping stones capture the sun’s rays and use the energy at nighttime to create light. One can find these stepping stones at many home improvement stores or online.
Another feature of a lighted stepping stone is the added sense of security. When people go away on vacation, they can feel safer knowing the stepping stone will be turned on to signify that someone may be home even when they are not. This will also allow people to have some light when they return home at night. A lighted solar stepping stone has many purposes in addition to looking attractive. The bulbs inside do not need to be changed often and the stones can capture enough energy to last a few nights even if the sun did not come out that day.
A lighted solar stepping stone adds light as well as beauty to any home. They are easy to install and useful when having an outdoor party or going for a midnight swim. The lighted solar stepping stone provides enough light to see even on the darkest nights. These stones can also be used to illuminate a garden to make it noticeable even in the dark. This is a nice touch when throwing a patio party or a family gathering. The garden will look alive and beautiful with the lighted solar stepping stone.
India accounts for about 7-8 per cent of global cement production; it is the second largest market for cement, and also exports cement products to 130 countries. The cement industry in the country is divided into 5 geographical segments, namely Earl Watford Jersey , North, South, East, West, and Central. North and South regions are more active as cement suppliers as compared to East, West Stefan Charles Jersey , and Central regions.