锘? Every four years one of my favorite events happens ? The Winter Olympics! Kenneth nike dunks high mens uk , my husband, and I have been ski instructors for over four years, so we understand and admire the atheletes drive and talent. We enjoy the Olympics for many reasons, but the main reason is because we are atheletes also. One thing that always gets me is pride in my country. These atheletes work so hard, all for just a moment in time. Only one mishap could cost them all their years of training. As the atheletes receive their medals, I glow with pride. Especially when the United States earns a medal and our National Anthem is played all over the world. I won a Bronze medal in a downhill skiing competition before so I know about the feeling of accomplishment they have. It certainly wasn't the Olympics, but I still know what they are feeling when they win. I had a feeling of great pride as I thought back to the many hours of preparation that went into that win. Years of Believing, Learning nike dunks high uk , Practicing, and Teaching were part of being able to win. When I was nine and learning how to ski, I believed I could do it and that allowed me to win. I believed enough to make it through skiing up and down the mountain, even though I was a beginner. As I got older I wanted to be better at skiing. I took skiing in college for two years too because I loved the sport and the atmosphere that went with it. I learned as much as I could two days a week and watched my instructors and learned from them. I also practiced several hours each week. In both my classes my grade was A; I could ski from the top to the bottom of the mountain without any trouble. After graduating college I decided I wanted to try out for a ski instructor position. The tryout was very difficult, but I had the belief in myself that I could accomplish anything I wanted to. I also knew that I had learned a lot in the past, and had practiced a lot for the tryout. This would involve a lot more practicing and learning to do it. They showed us how to teach skiing to beginners at the tryout. When testing came, the grade was based on our skiing skills and our teaching skills. My teaching skills I had been learning and practicing for a while because I was already a college computer teacher. I had also been a swim instructor, water safety instructor nike dunk low womens uk , and lifeguard instructor for years. My computer and swim students had learned, progressed, and given me great evaluations, so I believed that I was a good teacher. I began to teach others how to ski. I feel the best way to improve anything you do is to teach it. Breaking a discipline down into smaller points is how you teach. This allows the student to learn one step at a time and allows you to practice what you know on a more detailed scale. Being ski instructors, your learning and practicing is never really finished. We would still take lessons ourselves. We learned how to ski better, and how to teach better. I taught better everyday because I learned more and practiced more myself when I taught. I skied better because I taught all the time. I gained more belief in my skiing as I taught what I had learned, a cycle so to speak. I was awarded "Rookie of the Year" and the "Energizer" awards in my first two years as Ski Instructor. I won these awards because of my dedication for improvement, and my love of being on skis and helping others to learn my passion. When I met my husband nike dunk low mens uk , Kenneth, he had never skied before. I told him where he could find me; I would be on the mountain skiing from December to March, and that if he wanted to see me he would have to learn to ski. We talked and he agreed to come to the first skiing lesson, we headed out on the snow. Kenneth had belief in himself that he could succeed. That was all he needed to get the ?snow? ball rolling. I lead him through a progression of lessons that I knew would get him skiing in no time, because I had taught many people how to ski up to this point. He was flying down the mountain beside me in no time, he was a believer and an athelete so it didnt take him long. I though he was so funny because he thought he was really going fast, but he was only on the Bunny Hill! HaHa! Kenneth practiced everyday, he wasn't the type to just learn something then go have fun with it. He wanted to get better. He skied with instructors nike dunk low uk , always, so he could learn everything they knew. He listened and watched, and practiced, A LOT. Kenneth had the belief it took so the following season I insisted he try out for Ski Instructor. He had spent a season learning from me and the other ski instructors. He had practiced his techniques every time he put on his skis. He was ready. There were over 100 skiers and snowboarders trying out for positions. Kenneth?s belief in himself and the many hours he had spent learning and practicing paid off. Kenneth came in Second place following a guy who had been on patrol for many years, his tryout score had been great. Being a ski instructor made Kenneth a better skier because he was constantly learning again and again and teaching others. Kenneth continued learning and practicing and received the "Rookie of the Year" and the "Most Improved Skier" awards in his first year. Kenneth loves the sport of skiing and his dedication to learning and practicing gave him the rewards that go along with it. He did have a great teacher too, me! Both Kenneth and I are members of the Professional Ski Instructors of America. Our group shares the improvement in skiing practice. Our groups' passion is learning to improve in our sport. We all learn from one another, we teach each other and we believe in each other, which is very important. We believe nike dunk high heels grey , Kenneth and I, that in order to be the best at anything you need to teach someone else how to do it. Preceeded by believing in yourself, learning how to do it, and practice, practice, practice. Dedication is the way to win an Olympic Gold. First you believe in yourself, then you .