Toate produsele NIKE au fost interzise in teritoriile controlate de isis in Irak si siria,nike air presto deoarece numele companiei vine de la cel al zeitei grecesti a victoriei, nike, promovand astfel o religie politeista, contrara principiilor islamice. Informatia, care pana acum circula doar ca zvon, a fost confirmata dupa capturarea unei suburbii a orasului Raqqa, capitala isis, de catre fortele kurde ale sdf.luptatorii au fotografiat un afis postat de oficialii statului Islamic prin care se interzice purtarea articolelor nike din cauza asocierii cu antica divinitate greaca (foto jos). cei care incalca aceasta prevedere risca amenzi, biciuirea sau chiar inchisoarea. si alte echipamente sport au fost interzise pe teritoriul controlat de jihadisti – in principal, cele pe care apare o cruce sau alt simbol religios, cum ar fi echipamentele cu emblema acmilan sau fc barcelona.
Nike, and others, however, insist projects like ‘breaking 2’ show that a combination of talent,nike air presto womens training and technology can produce astounding results without the need for chemical assistance.many people are intrigued to see just how much difference such a collection of ‘marginal gains’ can make and suggest that, at a time when athletics is reeling from relentless bad news, such a quantum leap in human endurance, arguably the greatest in the sport’s history, is something to be welcomed and celebrated.
The Nike ease challenge officially has a winner, with brett drake,nike air presto mens an architectural engineer from cheyenne, wy, taking home top Inc. chairman and ceo mark Parker announced the challenge in october 2016, inviting designers, engineers, makers and innovators to advance and reinvent footwear design for athletes of all abilities.The inspiration for the contest was to engage the broader community to innovate new footwear ideas that help athletes put on, secure or take off their shoes – including athletes with disabilities. It followed the introduction and expansion of the nike flyease innovation received submissions from people with a wide range of backgrounds and from all corners of the united states. submissions were considered based on ease-of-use for athletes of all abilities, performance and potential to expand across various sizes and styles.
The iconic nike diamond turf is making a huge comeback, nike air presto on feet last seen in 1994 the shoe will re-release this spring. the deion sanders signature sneaker is a cross trainer built to handle training for baseball and football activities. coming decked out in the iconic red, white, black and gold colorway with the infamous nike text on the sole. deion is no longer associated with nike, but the re-release comes as a can purchase the nike air diamond turf today if you like from nike sportswear retailers and ebay at a set price of $115. check out images of the nike air diamond Turf og below.