"For me the iconic handbags is just like the House of replique montres Chanel handbags, fundamental and modern," Kristen said in a statement about the campaign. "My relationship with Karl Lagerfeld is artistic, intense and tender, which makes me so happy every time we get together. Chanel handbags is an artistic family," Vanessa added. Colin McDowell decodes Dior handbags and I, a film directed by Frédéric Tcheng, which documents the creation of Raf Simons' first couture collection for the house. LONDON, United Kingdom — We must start with the assumption that in Dior handbags and I, Frédéric Tcheng, the director — who also worked on The Last Emperor and The Eye Has to Travel, close-up portraits of Valentino Garavani and Diana Vreeland, respectively — is taking us as near as many will ever get to fly-on-the-wall honesty about the closed world of toms sko outlet fashion, which continues to fascinate audiences, in part, precisely because it is so rarely revealed. There are many reasons for fashion's reticence to reveal its inner workings, the most potent being that creativity in any field is often messy and fraught, and if the public know too much the mystery would be spoiled. That is why theatre rehearsals are closed affairs, writers are reluctant to share their first drafts and films are made under great secrecy. Too much light destroys the magic. By viewing this film, we are peeping into a family affair — and all families have their secrets. When we go into the ateliers of replica omega a fashion house, we are, in effect, entering the kitchen where various recipes might be tried before the dish is eventually ready for serving and, during that process of trial and error, tempers are lost, frustrations bubble over and relationships become strained. We cannot expect to be shown everything. Yet Dior handbags and I seems to be very true to the spirit of life in a great French fashion house. The film is also, in part, a public relations exercise for the house of Dior handbags , of course, intended to calm the nervous and re-assure its disciples after the lows of the Galliano affair. Indeed, one of the primary reasons for Dior handbags to participate in the making of this film was to establish Simons in his new role with sufficient authority for him to be seen as the ideal man for the job. And I think that many viewers will be convinced by the rightness of replique montre the casting, so to speak.