system of gymnastics nike air max 1 belgium , games may be used for hygienic, developmental and educational purposes. For general hygienic ends their value is great, if for no other reason, than that it usually requires a large air space, often outdoors, to play them. On the other hand, the hygienic value of games is a doubtful one, because the movements occurring in games can only be predetermined in general. That means that they cannot be graded as to quantity or quality with exactness. Exactness, however, in these two things, is an absolute necessity where gymnastics are given for hygienic endsses of games. They are mental and moral ones. Among the mental ones co-ordination should be separately considered. As far as some of the mental processes (to be mentioned hereafter) are serviceable to establish coordination, games may be said to help coordination. Games can, however not be arranged methodically for coordination purposes, for the simple reason that the movements occurring in them cannot be predetermined. The development of coordination power must, therefore, also be the domain of formal gymnastics. What use games are in the moral training of children and youth has been enlarged upon by many authors in many places. Even that teaching has to be incidental, as the occasion for pointing a moral offers in the course of a game. The great value of games in this direction lies in the fact that most of the moral teac