treadmills are the greatest thing since sliced bread under armour españa , but I'm going to assert to you in this article, that they are both a big fat waste of your time! First though, let me state that if you really truly enjoy mindlessly pumping away on an elliptical or treadmill (or an exercise bike too), then by all means, you've got to keep doing what you enjoy, because enjoying your exercise program is one of the most important keys to actually sticking with any exercise routine for the long haul. However, don't say that I didn't warn you that you were wasting your time with all that mindless cardiovascular machine boredom. Also, you might find ideas in this article that you enjoy a lot more than ellipticals and treadmills and will get you better weight loss results too! If I have not mentioned it before, I don't believe in cardio machines, and personally curry 2.5 españa , I haven't even touched an elliptical, treadmill, or exercise bike in at least 6 or 7 years (if not more). Actually, I never even use cardiovascular machines anymore for warm-ups before a workout (I used to on occasion)... These days, I prefer to do kettle bell or dumbbell swings or snatches mixed with body weight exercises as a great full body warm-up at the beginning of my workouts. So why in the world do I have such a deep dislike for cardio machines? Here are my 5 main reasons: 1) Mindless steadte your metabolism to a greater extent and