Both were designed to accommodate formal and informal occasions depending on how they were assembled and accessorised. McCardell also became well known for designs such as the Monastic and Popover dresses which were versatile enough to work in multiple contexts from swimsuit cover ups to party dresses. The American couturier Norman Norell declared that McCardell could make a smart dress to wear anywhere out of "five dollars worth of common cotton calico." Other sportswear designs often incorporated elements of sporty informal or casual wear, as exemplified by Clare Potter's evening sweater worn with a long skirt draped like a sidesaddle riding habit..
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Speak slowly. When you first get dentures, it may be hard for you to say certain words. Be patient. That's the part of the program where we talk about matters of faith and spirituality. Today, we are focusing on the spiritual dimension of the tension between Russia and Ukraine. You may have seen the pictures of priests amid the conflict standing between Michael Kors Lillie Shoulder Bag soldiers and protesters in Kiev ministering to the wounded and the dying.
GIULIANI: How did I know Why would I have not thought he was I meannever had a bad dealing with Michael. I was beingI was being straight and honest. I didn't know that he taped conversations surreptitiously. We saw him in Hayden Valley one day and literally the next morning found him in Lamar Valley, 20 miles away. In his later years, he did a "walkabout," leaving Yellowstone all together, and spent about six weeks in the Beartooth Mountains, on the northeast side of the park. During that time he also had Michael Kors Name Change a girlfriend, something some people thought he was too old for...
This time, for a change, it was the Court's liberal wing accusing the Court's conservative majority of "judicial policy making." This time it was the Left accusing the Right of taking away legislative prerogatives (in the form of gun laws). This time it was Stevens and Ginsburg and Company accusing Roberts and Alito and Company of imposing their own personal views, and faulty legal logic, to generate an outcome they wished. The "ends justify the means" is the Michael Kors Instagram stinky trout usually thrown from right to left...