phir bhi tumko chahunga lyrics about her dubbing career, when he was offered to dub for Kalyani Priyadarshan, she took to Twitter and stated, “After an uphill battle and after a year and some days — I dub in a Tamil film (Not counting Oh Baby’s dubbed version). I know how PS Mithran worked around with the Dubbing Union and Mr Radha Ravi. Thank you, Mithran. You and the producer are my heroes.” Chinmayi told The Hindu during an interview that she used to sing at least three songs a day before the #MeToo movement. However, there have been no opportunities for her to sing after the movement. She also opened up about her dubbing career. She said she had signed to dub for two movies, which went out of her hands eventually, after she was terminated from the Dubbing Union. Onthe work front, her recent song for the Telugu movie, Jaanu was released recently. The song, Oohale, took the internet by storm after it was released.