rigid materials 4,208,051 held by Thomas S. Robertson 1980 to the Triangle pad, 4,802,669 held by Peter C. Birmingham adidas superstar bianche e rosa , 1989 It is interesting to note that under United States Patent 4121824, in 1977 Robert Hirschfield developed what on the outside appears a typical small glove, while the inside is reinforced to impair the ability of the glove to close. The invention concerns a partially inflexible device which may be worn as a glove by one attempting to increase his glovehand reaction time proficiency in the baseball skills of catching, fielding and catchthrow agility. It also may be used by an instructor or coach in demonstrating or teaching those skills to players of any skill level. The glove has the palm portion thereof made inflexible whereby a user cannot flex the palm to catch a ball by squeezing it with his glove hand. Instead, the user is forced to use his free hand to trap a ball between the inflexible palm of the glove and the free hand. The inflexible palm portion of the glove can be integrally formed with the glove; it can be an insert, permanently secured into a pocket of the glove; or it can be an insert which can be easily inserted into and removed from a pocket of the glove. Summary of the Hirschgield Invention: Participation in the sport of baseball requires, as does participation in any physical activity involving the use of special techniques, the development of certain fundamental skills. Unless those fundamental skills become "second nature" to the player so that he executes them virtually automatically adidas superstar bianche e verdi , and without hesitation or concentrated effort, his level of play will be curtailed. This invention relates to improving one's skill in the baseball arts of fielding, catching and the combination of catchthrowing. As will be shown, by using the subject device, one automatically will practice the proper techniques of fielding ground balls, line drives and fly balls; of catching a ball thrown by another player and of catching and throwing a ball in one fluid motion. A variety of situations arises during a baseball game where those techniques must be executed competently and quickly. To name but a few, an infielder must be able to field a ground ball and throw it without hesitation where the batter, or any base runner for that matter adidas superstar bianche e dorate , is running quickly; an outfielder must be able to catch a batted ball, whether in the air or after it bounces, and with a quick release throw to the appropriate base or to home plate; an infielder, usually the second baseman or shortstop, must be able to catch a thrown ball and quickly pivot and throw to effect a double play. A game may be won or lost depending on proper execution. Accordingly, baseball players at all levels of skills continually practice in an effort to increase and advance their level of play. Correspondingly, instructors and coaches of players who range from elementary school-age children to professional ballplayers insist on the development and enhancement of certain fundamental skills through repeated practice of properly demonstrated techniques. Players and coaches alike have had a long felt need for a training device that would enable one to develop those skills while reducing, if not eliminating adidas superstar bianche e oro , the potentiality of developing "bad habits" or poor skills. The subject invention, which satisfies the aforementioned long felt need, is a device that provides the necessary means to advance the skills of any player. It is worn as a glove; indeed, its outward appearance may be that of an ordinary baseball glove. However, the pocket (that portion of the glove which covers the player's palm) and the por锘? .