Critical Networking Tactics To Help Maximize Time Spent Manning Your Trade Show Stand Marketing Articles | December 28 Jamel Dean Buccaneers Jersey , 2011 Implementing a few important networking techniques can help ensure that time spent manning a trade show stand is well spent.
Any business that owns trade show booths understands that networking is one of the most critical components to any marketing conference. Yes, brand strengthening, sizing up the competition and a slew of other factors all come into play on the marketing event priority list. But ultimately, most companies attend promotional functions with a primary goal of mingling with as many visitors as possible in hopes to further networking opportunities.
On the surface Sean Murphy-Bunting Buccaneers Jersey , networking may seem like a fairly straightforward process that doesn't require a lot of strategic planning. However, this could not prove further from the truth. Networking is quite literally the art of initiating, building and sustaining relationships with your company's targeted pool of clientele. Failing to properly prepare for various networking situations and the different stages of consumer relationships started at an industry exhibit can be a major marketing misstep and cause irreparable damage to a business' reputation.
Understanding The Art Of Trade Show Booth Networking
Worried that your staff may not have the right networking skills for trade show booth success? Don't be. Implementing just a few tried and true techniques while engaging with trade show booth visitors can make a huge difference in the success rate of the event and help your organization stand out from any competitors that are also participating at the conference.
The first step toward interaction success begins well before your company's trade show stands are set up. Gather all participating staff who will attend the conference to create a networking plan well in advance. If at all possible, request an attendee list with position titles to best brainstorm your business approach. Even without an attendee list Devin White Buccaneers Jersey , discuss items like the targeted demographic of the function, the potential roles of those who will be in attendance and how these individuals fit into your specific promotional goals. Also, be sure to create a game plan that includes measurable objectives for the attendees of the event that your organization personally invited. Going into each seminar prepared with a list of action items can help everyone to remain focused.
During the event itself, once a viable lead has been identified O. J. Howard Buccaneers Jersey , train staff members to never use questions that only require one-word answers. Instead, have each trade show booth representative use open-ended questions. Questions can range from general and broad like "What does your company do?" to more personal inquires specific to the individual such as "What are some of the industry trends that you've noticed lately?" to ensure an engaging and informative dialogue. When a relevant contact has been identified, always have staff exchange business cards to plan for post-event follow-up.
Beyond The Trade Show Stand Conversation: Always Follow Up
After each marketing event, all participating employees should convene to compile a list of all established contacts and strategize a way to ensure everyone receives a follow-up contact from your organization. Role play conversations that will help not only reconnect with the individual again Vita Vea Buccaneers Jersey , but actually build a lasting relationship. Establishing a rapport and being seen as a long-term partner is the best way to maximize trade show booth return on investment.
Article Tags: Trade Show Stand, Trade Show Booth, Trade Show, Show Stand Mike Evans Buccaneers Jersey , Show Booth
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