iPhone application development Computers Articles | June 30 Cal Ripken Youth Jersey , 2010 A File's Owner proxy object. The File's Owner object is actually the UIApplication instance-File's Owner are discussed later, in "File's Owner."
The Interface Builder document contains four items:
A File?s Owner proxy object. The File?s Owner object is actually the UIApplication instance?File?s Owner are discussed later, in ?File?s Owner.?
A First Responder proxy object. The First Responder is not used in this tutorial but you can learn more about it by reading ?Event Handling? in iPhone Application Programming Guide.
An instance of HelloWorldAppDelegate set to be the application's delegate. Delegates are discussed in the next section.
A window. The window has its background set to white and is set to be visible at launch. It?s this window that you see when the application launches.
After the application has finished launching Eddie Murray Womens Jersey , you can perform additional customization. A common pattern?and the one you?ll follow in the next chapter?is illustrated in this diagram:
When the application object has completed its setup, it sends its delegate an applicationDidFinishLaunching: message. Rather than configuring the user interface itself Jim Palmer Womens Jersey , the delegate typically creates a view controller object (a special controller responsible for managing a view?this adheres to the model-view-controller design pattern as described in ?Model-View-Controller?). The delegate asks the view controller for its view (which the view controller creates on demand) and adds that as a subview of the window.
In this article you created a new project and learned about how the application launch process works. In the next chapter, you?ll define and create an instance of a view controller.
Adding a View Controller
In this application you?ll need two classes. Xcode?s application template provided an application delegate class and an instance is created in the nib file. You need to implement a view controller class and create an instance of it.
Adding a View Controller Class
View controller objects play a central role in most iPhone OS applications. As the name implies Frank Robinson Womens Jersey , they?re responsible for managing a view, but on iPhone OS they also help with navigation and memory management. You?re not going to use the latter features here Roberto Alomar Womens Jersey , but it?s important to be aware of them for future development. UIKit provides a special class?UIViewController?that encapsulates most of the default behavior you want from a view controller. You have to create a subclass to customize the behavior for your application.
>> In Xcode, in the project organizer select either the project (HelloWorld at the top of the Groups and Files list) or the Classes group folder?the new files will be added to the current selection.
>> Choose File > New File and in the New File window. Select the Cocoa Touch Classes group Earl Weaver Womens Jersey , then select UIViewController subclass. In the Options section, choose only With XIB for user interface.
Note: If you don?t see the ?With XIB for user interface? option Mark Trumbo Womens Jersey , make sure you have installed version 3.2 of the iPhone OS SDK?Xcode should show version 3.2.2 or later.
Selecting ?With XIB for user interface? means that Xcode creates a nib file to accompany the view controller, and adds it to the project. (Nib files are discussed in detail in the next chapter.)
>> Click Next Joey Rickard Womens Jersey , and in the following screen give the file a new name such as MyViewController (by convention, class names begin with a capital letter). Make sure that both the .m and .h files are created and that the files are added to your project Chris Davis Womens Jersey , as shown here:
>> Press Finish and make sure that the files were added to your project.