Before you can start the journey to paying off your debt, you need to know that you are not the only one with bad debt holding you back in life. NY Fed released the latest data on bad debt and it equates to $13.2 trillion consumer debt, which means every single American owes $40,000 in credit cards, loans cheap nike air max shoes , and mortgages.
These figures are demoralizing for someone who is willing to pay off their debts, however, there are many people who have successfully paid off their debts, which means escape is within reach.
Where to Begin?
One such person who has successfully paid off over $30,000 in personal loan and credit card debt is Marcus Garrett.
According to Garrett cheap air max shoes , who now talks about the personal crisis on the Paychecks & Balances podcast, says the first and foremost action to pay off debts is to formulate a plan. In the beginning, Garrett himself was lost in the beginning and had no idea how he got himself into so much debt until he did the math.
He came up with a plan, and that plan was to build a budget. Garrett鈥檚 strategy was to identify where his money was going, and by building a budget cheap nike air max , he successfully alleviated overspending by keeping a watchful eye on his spending. The trick was to take a chunk out of his income and use it specifically to pay down his debt. So, the actual breakdown was to spend %50 on his needs, %30 on his wants, and the remaining to pay off his debt.
The most important part of making this plan work is trusting the process, sticking with the plan cheap air max , and a lot of sacrifices even when things get tough.