" NEW DELHI Authentic Billy Price Jersey , Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- India's northern states of Punjaband Haryana have been put on high alert ahead of the sentencing ofself-proclaimed spiritual guru Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, who was onFriday convicted guilty of raping two women followers.
A multi-layer security ring has been thrown around Haryana'scity of Rohtak, where Singh is lodged in a jail, and in the state'sSirsa town, the headquarters of the Dera Sacha Sauda sect, with theIndian Army and para-military forces deployed alongside the localpolice personnel.
""Para-military forces are in charge of jail security andshoot-at-sight orders have been issued,"" Inspetcor General ofRohtak Police Navdeep Singh Virk told the media Monday morning.
Soon after Singh was convicted by a court of India's premierprobe agency, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), hissupporters in the city of Panchkula Friday erupted in violence andclashed with police that left at least 38 people dead and over 300injured.
""This time, we are fully prepared to deal with any kind of lawand order situation. The CBI judge, who will pronounce the quantumof sentence, will be flown to Rohtak jail and his court will sitinside the jail only,"" Virk said.
Massive security arrangements have been put in place this time,in the wake of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana Saturday comingdown heavily on the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) governmentand Haryana's Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar for failure tostop violence.
The High Court held the chief minister responsible for theviolence ""for his political gains"" and did not even spare IndianPrime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that he was the country'sprime minister and not the BJP's only.
But who actually is this spiritual guru and how he managed tocommand a follower base of over 60 million around the world?
The 50-year-old self-styled godman is chief of the Dera SachaSauda sect that describes itself as ""a non-profit social welfareand spiritual organization."" Based out of northern India, the sectruns 46 centers across India and the world.
Known as ""Rockstar Baba,"" Singh is often spotted in shiny,colorful clothes and has performed in half a dozen music videos. Hehas also earned the nickname ""Guru of Bling"" because of hispreference for ornate jewellery. Of late, he has started acting infilms.
Over the years, Singh has presented himself as a social reformerby organizing cleanliness drives and blood donation camps. In 2010,the sect organized a mass marriage where more than 1,000 followers""volunteered"" to marry sex workers.
""For years, chief ministers of both Punjab and Haryana, alongwith several other politicians of all parties, have vied forSingh's support for his huge follower base, just for vote bankpolitics. Singh also exploited them rightly,"" said Basab Gupta, apolitical analyst in Delhi.
""But this time, the long arm of the law has finally caught himfor raping two of his women followers some 15 years ago. And thepoliticians, belonging to both ruling BJP and opposition Congress,now have no other options but to toe the judiciary's line,"" headded.
Experts also attribute the rise of the spiritual guru to thefailure of the government of India, particularly in Punjab andHaryana, to make available to masses affordable healthcare andeducation even after 70 years of independence.
""Dignity, social support, medical help, and food security. Theseare precisely the things that the modern Indian state - at least inits HaryanaPunjab version - refuses to offer to the people,"" saidM. Rajivlochan, Professor of Contemporary History, PanjabUniversity.
""There are over 3,000 deras here, each providing the sameservices to the people - health guidance, de-addiction support,with a lot of dignity and all of it laced with a quirkyspiritualism,"" Rajivlochan wrote in the Indian Expressnewspaper.
Singh faces a minimum of seven years in jail for the rape. Andwhatever be the judgment, the political parties will have to acceptit, notwithstanding the fact that they might have to lose a largechunk of their vote base - Singh's followers - in future elections,analysts say. Enditem
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Posted by lisa1988ann in Computers on June 14th, 2014
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