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Hermes bag how to distinguish between true and false Birkin Platinum bag identification method Daquan!
How does the Fake Cheap Hermes Bag distinguish between true and false? All Hermès products are made of the finest high-grade materials, with a focus on craftsmanship and exquisite details, and have won a good reputation with their excellent quality. Hermès bags are divided into Fake Hermes Kelly Bag and Replica Cheap Birkin Bag. Both bags have different styles, so it is easy to distinguish them! We all know that Hermes handbags symbolize identity and status. Everyone who owns it is the best. representative.
Hermès is a very famous luxury brand, Hermès bags are also loved by young people and many fashionistas. Today, Xiao Bian will come to share with you some tips on identifying the true and false of Hermes bags. Of course, this article is only for high-imitation high-imitation Hermes bags in the high-imitation luxury market, and Hermès made in Milan. Handbags are enough to counter the authentic quality of the counters, and the next method is impossible!
Take Hermes' canvas handbag as an example. At the bottom of the handle, the "H" letter is printed on the button zipper. The "H" letter at the handle is done by the craftsman once in the weaving process. Due to the complexity of the process, the cost is more expensive than the hand-embroidered fabric. The production process of imitations is rough, so if you look closely, you will find flaws. The "H" letter is printed on the metal zipper of Hermes handbags, which can be used as an important factor in distinguishing true and false Hermes bags.
Hermes canvas handbags inherit the fine knitting technique of France. The wrapping surface is made up of two weaves of different directions, which is not as simple as the jersey method. This is also an element of imitation that cannot be copied, and it is also a reason for its cost.
To this day, the Hermes handbag system has been inherited from its fine production tradition, from the beginning to the end by a craftsman sewing, and printed with a unique number. This not only shows the craftsman's pride in his craft, but also reflects the noble origin of Hermes, but also for the convenience of customers. Each package has a unique number, which is proof of the noble origin of Hermes.