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The work has been embroidered on 108 meters of felt applique with the help of special technology and decorative embroidery and was exhibited in Ulan Bator's central square.
It depicts Mongolian traditions such as animal herding and shamanistic rituals, as well as national ornaments, deer stones and petroglyphs.
The "Craftsmen of Khan Khentii" company in Umnudelger soum of Khentii province initiated the project and craftsmen from various Mongolian regions created it.
The main goal of the project is to pass on the tradition of felt embroidery applique, a traditional Mongolian handicraft, to future generations and to illustrate the lifestyle and traditions of the Chinggis Khaan era.
"For the applique we used 108 meters of felt Reshad Jones Dolphins Jersey , 110 meters of white fabric, 120 eyeleteers, 120 needles, 20,000 meters of camel wool thread and over 100 liters of paint in 32 colors Minkah Fitzpatrick Dolphins Jersey ," said J. Narantuya, an initiator of the project.
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CARACAS, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- After President Nicolas Maduro accepted an invitation to restart dialogue with the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) on Tuesday Kalen Ballage Youth Jersey , the MUD was quick to temper expectations.
Writing on Twitter on Wednesday, the MUD president of the National Assembly, Julio Borges, said that dialogue would be based on certain conditions.
"I reiterate to Venezuela and the world that there is no dialogue today and there will not be until the conditions laid out in the MUD statement are met," he said.
On Tuesday Durham Smythe Youth Jersey , Maduro accepted a dialogue initiative tabled by the president of the Dominican Republic, Danilo Medina, and former Spanish Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
At a cabinet meeting, Maduro said that "Zapatero and President Medina know very well that I have been calling for this dialogue and I accept this new round of talks."