For a high school athlete who wants to play college sports Chukwuma Okorafor Womens Jersey , junior year is the most important year. The top 5 of athletes may already know where they re going because colleges have been watching them for a while. But most good high school athletes who have the talent to play in college will have to do some work to get noticed, and junior year is when all of the groundwork is laid. Because there is so much you need to know, this article series is going to be split into three articles for the first half and the second half of junior year, and the summer between junior and senior year.
Here are five things you should start doing during the first half of junior year:
1. Gets the wheels in motion to prepare for your ACT or SAT testing.
Some kids take study prep courses through their school Terrell Edmunds Womens Jersey , some hire tutors to work with them individually or in a group, and some buy test preparation books and work through them on their own. Of course, some kids do nothing. Don t be one of them. The effort you put into getting decent standardized test scores will really pay off as it will open up options at many good academic schools that won t consider you otherwise.
If you re disciplined and like to work on your own, get a test prep book at the library or a bookstore Maurkice Pouncey Womens Jersey , and work through it at your own pace. If you are easily distracted and need the support of your peer group for this activity, put a group together and find a tutor.
2. Take the ACT or SAT for the first time in the fall or winter of junior year.
You can take these tests as often as they re offered as long as you re willing to pay the registration fee. The ACT allows you to choose which scores you send out and report only your best score. The SAT sends scores from every time you took the test so you can t pick and choose which scores to send. Some schools calculate your final standardized test score by allowing you to submit the best subscale scores from different administrations of the same test. For example, you can send the science grade from the fall version and the math grade from the winter version.
The advantage of taking it early the first time is that you will have more time to improve on subsequent tests. Count on taking the test at least twice and for some kids, three times. Your choice of which test to take depends on what schools you re interested in. Most schools accept both but look on the websites of the schools you re interested in to make sure you re taking all of the tests you need.
3. Continue researching and assembling your college list .
If you ve already started researching colleges Cameron Heyward Womens Jersey , you should continue with the goal that your list will be complete by the end of this school year. There may be coaches who contact you and you may choose to add their schools to the list, but your list should come from your research on the schools that best fit your academic, athletic, social Ben Roethlisberger Womens Jersey , and general college life criteria. Don t fall into the trap of only considering schools that contact you first. They may not be the right fit for you.
If you haven t started researching colleges yet, now is the time to start. Use one of the college search tools you can find online to develop a preliminary list of schools that might be good for you. Aim for a broad list of 30 50 at this stage.
4. Initiate contact with coaches at the schools you re most interested in.
You don t need to do anything big at this point. Just say hi, let them know a little about you, let them know why you re interested in their program JuJu Smith-Schuster Womens Jersey , and let them know you will send them more information about you at the end of your season.
5. Pull together your stats, resume, and video if you play a fall sport.
If the sport you re interested in getting recruited for is a fall sport, you will be done in November and you can start pulling together all of the pieces you will need for coach contact. Find templates for resumes and cover letters in my book James Conner Womens Jersey , Put Me In Coach. The second article in this series will provide more specific details for marketing yourself to coaches. Ask your high school coach for end of season stats. Hopefully, you will have access to videotape from either your high school team, your parents, or someone you ve hired to shoot it for you. Start thinking about how you re going to edit it?it s a complicated process if you plan to do it yourself.
You are welcome to reprint this article. However T. J. Watt Womens Jersey , please credit me as the source with the following:
Laurie A. Richter, author of Put Me In, Coach: A Parent s Guide to Winning the Game of College Recruiting.
A sitemap is oftentimes considered repetitious in the method of building a website, and that is certainly the fact if you constructed a sitemap for the sake of having one. By highlighting the importance of having a well made sitemap Le'Veon Bell Womens Jersey , you would be able to customize your own sitemap to suit your own needs.
1) Navigation reasons
A sitemap literally acts as a map of your site. If your visitors browses your site and gets lost within the thousands of pages on your site, they can continually refer to your sitemap to find where they are, and plan through your pages with the utmost ease.
2) Conveying your site’s theme
When your visitors visit your sitemap, they will have the gist of your site within a very short amount of time. There is no need to get the “big picture” of your site by reading through every page Antonio Brown Womens Jersey , and by doing that you will be saving your visitors’ time.
خصومات شركة جلي سيراميك بالطائف التي تقدمها لكم علي مستوي جميع انحاء المملكة العربية العسودية حيث يعتبر فريق شركة سهر الافضل سارعوا الان بالتواصل مع اهم و افضل الفرق التي تقدم لكم افضل خدمات فيعتبر فريق شركة نقل اثاث بالطائف الافضل اتصل الان علي رقم شركة نقل عفش بالطائف المتميز .
اتصل الان علي ارقام شركة مظلات سيارات التي تسعي الي تقديم افضل مستوي خدمات حيث يعتبر فريق شركتنا الافضل سارعوا الان بالتواصل مع فريق شركات الخيام المتخصصة و التي ستعي الي تقديم الافضل .
من خلال <a href="">خدمة عملاء ابادة الحشرات</a> ستحصل علي افضل و اسرع خدمات <a href="">ابادة حشرات المنزل</a> حيث يعتبر الفريق ذو خبرات واسعة و كفاءة عالية تواصل الان مع اهم و افضل الفرق التي تحقق لكم افضل مستوي خدمات مميزة و التي تقدم بأفضل الاسعار .
من خلال خدمة عملاء ابادة الحشرات ستحصل علي افضل و اسرع خدمات ابادة حشرات المنزل حيث يعتبر الفريق ذو خبرات واسعة و كفاءة عالية تواصل الان مع اهم و افضل الفرق التي تحقق لكم افضل مستوي خدمات مميزة و التي تقدم بأفضل الاسعار .
خصومات مركز فايلنت علي جميع قطع الغيار الصالية اتصل الان علي رقم صيانة فايلنت و تواصل مع اهم و افضل الفرق التي تسعي الي تقديم افضل مستوي حيث يعتبر فريق مركز صيانة فايلنت الافضل .
فريق صيانة وايت بوينت الافضل حيث يسعي المركز الي اختيار اهم و افضل مهندسين و فنيين صيانة محترفين لضمان مستوي الخدمات اتصل الان علي رقم صيانة وايت بوينت و احصل الان علي افضل خدمات مميزة .
مركز صيانة توكيل اريستون الافضل سارعوا الان بالتواصل مع اهم و افضل الفرق التي تحقق لكم افضل مستوي خدمات حيث يعتبر فريق صيانة اريستون الافضل من حيث مستوي الخبرة بالتعام مع الاعطال اتصل الان علي رقم توكيل اريستون الان .
اسعار تجهيزات مطاعم رخيصة احصل عليها الان من خلال كبري شركات تجهيزات فنادق المتخصصة و التي تسعي الي تقديم افضل مستيو خدمات حيث يسعي الفريق الي تقديم مستوي عالي بأفضل الاسعار التي تتناسب معكم .