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The new ISL, India's exclusive soccer competition is going to begin from October 12th, and while the people anticipates for this competition Jamaal Williams Color Rush Jersey , here is the basics you should know about it.
Taking Hindustani football out of coma
The ISL was organized in 2013 after noticing that many Indians are passionate about football, but regrettably, have no national football league with International reputation to see. The Indian Super League aims to turn this around.
It is going to comprise 8 franchise clubs, owned from people and companies across the country. The league will launch in October and end in December.
· Kerala Blasters FC, coached by David James with England as the foreign draft.
· Mumbai City FC, coached by Peter Reid with England as the foreign draft.
· North East United FC Kevin King Color Rush Jersey , coached by Ricki Herbert with New Zealand as the foreign draft.
· FC Pune City, trained by Franco Colomba with Italy as the foreign draft.
While building their outfits, each squad will have to attract:
· At least 7 foreigners, out of which 2 will be from the squad and 5 will be from the foreign player draft;
· One star player Josh Jackson Color Rush Jersey , which in the words of AIFF is "A foreign recruit who has represented his country in any of the continental championships like the European Championship, Copa America, African Nations Cup, Asian Cup Jaire Alexander Color Rush Jersey , or FIFA World Cup will be called a star player;" and
· 14 Hindustani homegrown players, four of which have to be local players from the city the outfit belongs to.
Popular Ownership in the ISL
The league is owned by Reliance Industries Ltd, Star India Pvt. Ltd. and IMG Worldwide Inc. It would be televisedbroadcasted exclusively on STAR Sports and will have Hero MotoCorp as the title sponsor; thus the name Hero Indian Super League. From Bollywood, we have John Abraham who co-owns the squad North East United FC Ha Ha Clinton-Dix Color Rush Jersey , Ranbir Kapoor who co-owns the Mumbai City FC squad, Abhishek Bachchan who co-owns Chennaiyin FC club, Salman Khan who co-owns the FC Pune City squad, and Varun Dhawan who is the brand ambassador of the FC Goa team. From the field of Indian Cricket Randall Cobb Color Rush Jersey , Sachin Tendulkar is the co-owner of the Kerala Blasters FC squad and Sourav Ganguly is the co-owner of the Atletico de Kolkata outfit.
HeroISL setup:
Every year, the competition would be played between October and December. Each squad will play against all other teams twice on a home-and-away basis. The top 4 teams will take part in the finals.