MELBOURNE Cheap Dmitry Kulikov Jersey , July 27 (Xinhua) -- Australian football chief GillonMcLachlan threw his support behind Aboriginal players Adam Goodesand Lewis Jetta on Monday after the Sydney Swans pair were thesubject of crowd abuse at the weekend.
McLachlan said that ""enough is enough"" after the Aboriginal pairwere booed by West Coast Eagles supporters while playing for Sydneyat Perth's Domain Stadium on Sunday.
Jetta imitated throwing a spear at West Coast fans in a wardance of support for Goodes, who was jeered every time he touchedthe ball. Goodes had controversially performed a similar dance topay respect to his heritage earlier this year in a match during theleague's Indigenous Round.
Goodes, a two-time winner of the AFL's Most Valuable Playeraward and the 2014 Australian of the Year, has been consistentlybooed by opposition fans this season, starting with a match againstHawthorn in May.
Several senior media figures and former players have describedthe crowd behavior as racially-motivated.
McLachlan told 3AW radio on Monday he had no issue with the wardance Cheap Patrik Laine Jersey , instead taking aim at the band of West Coast supporters whoincessantly booed Goodes.
He stopped short of labeling the crowd's reaction to Goodes asracist, but he did say it needs to stop.
""I think there are lots of different attributes as to why (thebooing) started and now I think it's sheep-like behavior and Idon't even think people know why they're doing it now,"" he said onMonday.
""I would encourage people to think about why they're doing itand have a think about the individual because I think it's time tostop.
""We have to cut through the noise ... (Jetta's dance) was abouta statement to support Adam.
""I believe, and our industry believes, there was not anythingthreatening in the celebration.""
Meanwhile former Brisbane Lions captain Jonathan Brown didn'thold back in labeling the booing as racially-motivated. He said itwas ""bordering on the edge of ridiculous"".
""It's obviously got some racial connotations to it Cheap Blake Wheeler Jersey , we've gotour head in the sand and we don't think it does,"" Brown told NovaFM in Melbourne on Monday.
""He has promoted his cause for reconciliation, but there is aminority of the crowd that want to do it for racial reasons, othersbecause they go for the opposite team, and others have justfollowed the leader.""
Goodes described the constant negativity he endures on-field as""frustrating"" Cheap Winnipeg Jets Hats , telling the Sydney Swans' website that he wouldprefer to be remembered as the champion of the game he is insteadof a divisive, hated figure.
""It's just a continual battle at the moment, it's frustrating,just to have all that bad energy targeted towards me, it's justdisappointing Cheap Winnipeg Jets Hoodies ,"" Goodes said.
""I'm coming towards the end of my career and if I leave the gamethis year and that's the aftermath to what's happened at the end ofmy career I'd be really disappointed with that.
The booing of Goodes had subsided in recent weeks but WestCoast's notoriously parochial crowd drew the issue back into thespotlight on Monday. Enditem
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The Nintendo Wii provides more of a simple box with unique controls that is designed for fun. The Wii can play GameCube games (Nintendo's last offering) and has been introduced with a new addition to the chart-busting Zelda game series. Nintendo also released many old favorites such as PacMan, which can be downloaded right onto the Wii. You can even access th Internet through the Wii.